Friday, August 1, 2014

Make your pizza

Make your pizza

Make your pizza dough and allow it to proof until at least doubled in size. A good pizza dough recipe usually does contain oil, which can help prevent sticking - fat-free doughs and ones with weak flour (such as cake flour or low gluten flour) usually have the highest risk of sticking. Meanwhile, organise your toppings while the dough proofs.
    Pizza stones are arguably not for precooked pizzas or flat-bread bases, such as pita breads or Turkish breads, but they are useful for premade breads - to crisp them - as well as defrosted pizzas. The reason is the precooked bread just needs warming through, but raw ingredients will not be cooked by the time the base is crisp and ready.
    As frozen products vary, they have been used with inconsistent success with the stone just warmed (not as hot as required below), or placing foil on the stone and adding the thawed pizza on the top, or warming the stone up to the correct temperature and having the griller / broiler and fan setting on at a medium setting, and then placing the defrosted pizza on the stone. But in practice, following the instructions on the frozen pizza box gives a fairly good result or idea on baking requirements.
    NOTE: Don't place a cold stone and pizza close under a hot broiler or griller, as this is the easiest way to break the stone, due to uneven heating. It is best to warm the stone gradually, and then place the pizza.